GP Survey
Camden MSK is an integrated service commissioned by Camden CCG. Camden MSK integrates a full range of Musculoskeletal (MSK) services available throughout Camden; this includes Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Orthopaedics, MSK pain services, Rheumatology services, Imaging and Clinical Assessment & Triage services run by Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioners.
As an identified Camden GP we would very much value your opinion in this short survey. We would be most grateful if you would also forward this link to any GP colleagues who may also wish to respond. The Camden MSK surveys take less than five minutes to complete and responses are completely anonymous.
As part of Camden MSK contractual requirement’s it is vital that we get more than 20% response rate to our surveys to avoid financial penalty which could negatively impact on our ability to improve and transform Camden MSK clinical services in the future.
We would like to thank you all for the time taken to complete this survey.